Friday, June 13, 2008

Olive branches

Some people are unaware that my relationship started out kind of rocky with my inlaws and has been an up and down mountain ever since. I think we may have overcome the majority of our differences at this point, but the next 15 months are going to be the true test. I have put everything behind me - I think and today they showed me they had put everything behind them. Cory's dad, Mike was originally going to fly out here to ride back with me to SC after Cory left. He recently realized what a difficult trip it would be with a broken hearted daughter in law and a grandson who HATES his car seat. So he has offered to fly me, Reese and the dogs home to SC as well as foot the bill for our vehicle to be shipped! What a God Send! Cory is relieved knowing that now he doesn't have to worry about me driving and something happening. Thank God they (Cory's parents) have some money they don't mind just throwing out there! What an answered prayer for us! So I'll be flying in July 9 - can someone bring me a box of tissues?? Have a great weekend!