Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday tidbits

The girls started FIRST grade today. Unfortunately, I couldn't take them to school because I was S-I-C-K. Not just sick, but S-I-C-K. Luckily, though, Mom and John could take them and actually walk them in. I was feeling well enough to pick them up this afternoon. They were SO excited when they got in the car this afternoon. I don't think they took but two breaths the whole way home (between the two of them). They love their new school, new teachers and new friends. I know this year will be a great one for them.
Tomorrow will be Reese's first day at day care. I'm more than an little nervous. I plan on putting him there for a couple of hours tomm and Wed and then Fri he'll have to stay for most of the day (I have to have some tests run that will take several hours). I know he'll do well and it will be a welcomed break for both of us! I love my little man, but I think it will be beneficial to have this time apart. And when I go back to work, he'll be able to go so that I can sleep some! So although I am nervous, I know this is the best thing for us all!
I still haven't heard from Cory. Its fast approaching Day 4! It makes me sad and I would do just about anything to hear his voice! So, honey, if you're out there... CT PHONE HOME! I love you and I miss you!
So that's about it for now. Nothing too exciting! Just trying to keep busy! Hope you all are having a wonderful week!


Tina said...

How did the doctor's visit go, honey?