Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble, Gobble

I'm happy to report that our first Thanksgiving out on our own was a GREAT SUCCESS!!! We fed 17 people and had TONS of left-overs. I was very proud of my turkey - it was moist and delicious! Our spread consisted of turkey, ham, green beans, corn, crock-pot mac and cheese, bread, REAL mashed potatoes, sweet potatoe casserole, bread, stuffing, and deviled eggs. No, I did not make all of that, we had people helping out with some of it. However, we made the turkey, mac and cheese, bread, deviled eggs, green beans and corn!!! And don't forget my Red Velvet Cake. We had a great time cooking and spending time with our "extended family". Our house was filled with Medics and everyone was more than willing to help!!! Although we missed our families more than words could say, we all were really thankful to have the friendships we have here. This was the first Thanksgiving away for ALL of us. And I feel like we made a meal that each of our individual families would have been proud of. The only "premade" things we had the entire meal were the beans, corn and bread. Everything else was made from scratch!!!! Thanks for all your prayers - they definitely came in handy!! My Thursday Thirteen will be dedicated to 13 memories I will cherish from my first Thanksgiving away from SC!
1) My first successful Red Velvet cake
2) My first successful turkey - it was SOOOOOOOOO good and I don't even really like turkey!
3) Shepler making REAL mashed potatoes (16 lbs worth) - he was determined to make sure they had NO lumps; they were the first real potatoes that I've ever liked!!!
4) Mandy and Miller making gravy - we had tons of juice from the turkey and they just knew they could make gravy from watching their moms do it every year - it was interesting but turned out pretty well!!
5) Brittany's pretty ham and her homemade Pecan Pie. Her story is very similar to my Red Velvet cake story, with the same outcome!
6) Having a kitchen FULL of men cooking. At one time I counted a total of 7, each working seperately but for a common good!!
7) Making deviled eggs and getting sick. I think it was the smell, but something definitely knocked me down for a couple of hours.
8) Having a kitchen table FULL of food not once but three times. We had appetizers that filled the table, then dinner and then the desserts!!! It was great!
9) Having a house full of people. I thought I would be totally stressed out, but surprisingly enough, I was totally relaxed and really enjoyed myself!!
10) Watching the girls love everyone! We have really been blessed with friends who love our girls and are willing to play with them - the girls absolutely love for any of them to come over, and the fact that they were all here was even better.
11) The after dinner milk chug. Three guys, none of which were my husband, attempted to drink an entire gallon of milk in less than an hour without throwing up! I'll just leave it that only ONE made it!!
12) Having all of our "military" friends, old and new in one place at one time!!
13) Feeling like I accomplished a HUGE task and didn't have any meltdowns or anxiety attacks! Although I hope I never have to spend another Thanksgiving without our families, its nice to know that if we do - we can pull it all together!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you guys had a GREAT day!! Gobble, Gobble!!


Annie said...

I am glad everything went well! I knew you could do it. We missed you! Love ya!