Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's already?!

I've been sent to my room and told not to come out by my husband. I'm sure he's out there working hard to cook something special up for my Valentine's Day - so I'm gonna blog!! How did you mom's out there reconnect with your spouse after the birth of your child (or children)? Cory and I have had a hard time "connecting" with one another. I know its due to the stresses and lack of sleep that our little man has brought with him, but we've kind of become 2 walking zombies passing in the night! I need some ideas to help get that "spark" back. I know that going on dates is a good idea, but that's not really an option for us!! I don't really trust anyone here to watch Reese and the girls (namely Reese) so getting a babysitter is out! I hope tonight will put us back on track, but any advice you guys could give would be great! I know whatever he's doing will be great! I hope you all have had a great day! Can't wait to hear about all the surprises!!!


Kelly said...

Just strive to be extra patient with each other. You both have to be stressed with a newborn and the twins. It was hard on us after Eli was born too. But just remember that you're in this together!

Jackie said...

SO How was it?

The Dales said...

I hate it that you don't have someone to keep the children but you can still connect! After they go to bed (put them to bed early if you can), just be with him, not the TV, computer, book or anything else. It was so relaxing to get to just talk to jonathan without having to talk over Perrin crying. Also, leaving sweet notes where he can see them maybe before he leaves for work, or in his pocket to find while he is away is a nice reminder of the love you have for him, even when you can't show him!!

Annie said...

Brian and I have a black leather journal that we write in and leave on each other's pillow. We pass it back and forth.
I am glad you had a wonderful V-day! :)